Volume 2
Issue 2
Prevalence of cervical epithelial cell dysfunction in Papanicolaou smears reports in low-risk population referred to Imam Reza hospital
Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable malignancies among
human cancers. Infection of the uterine cervix with human papilloma-
virus (HPV) is the main causative agent of cervical cancer [1]. About
15 high-risk types of human papilloma virus have been identified,
which are responsible for cervical neoplasia and other related cancers
[2]. Cervical cancer with worldwide distribution, though a prevent-
able disease, is one of the leading causes of cancer death in women.
DOI: 10.55920/IJCIMR.2022.02.001070The Effect of Gestational Diabetes on the α7 and α4 Subtypes of nAChRs in Human Placenta
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is developed among those preg-
nant women with inadequate pancreas function that cannot overcome
resistance to insulin [1]. GDM increases blood glucose level that can
be initiated or diagnosed for the first time in pregnancy. It was esti-
mated that diabetes affects up to 15 % of pregnant women worldwide
[2]. Moreover, its prevalence is increasing in all parts of the world [3].
DOI: 10.55920/IJCIMR.2022.02.001069Myocardial infarction following COVID-19 vaccination
The rapidly spreading COVID-19 virus has killed millions(1). Vac-
cination is the best way to prevent severe illness and death(2). Local
reactions at the injection site and nonspecific systemic effects (myal-
gia, chills, fatigue, headache, and fever) are common side effects of
this vaccine(3).
Prinzmetal's Angina is a rare cause of chest pain. It occurs when a cor-
onary artery goes into spasm, usually among young patients leading
to angina pectoris with electrocardiographic changes. 1The spasm can
be focal or diffuse and affect the epicardial or microvascular coronary
arteries, in addition there is a risk of sudden death, acute coronary
syndrome, syncope and arrhythmias.
DOI: 10.55920/IJCIMR.2022.02.001067Clinicopathological analysis of 20 cases of subcutaneous sarcoidosis in South Korea
Sarcoidosis is a multisystem granulomatous disorder of unclear ori-
gin.1 The diagnosis of sarcoidosisis well established when clinical and
radiological findings are supported by histological evidence of non-
caseating granulomas in one or more tissues.2 It involves mainly the
lungs, mediastinal and peripheral lymph nodes, skin, liver, spleen,
eyes and parotid glands.
DOI: 10.55920/IJCIMR.2022.02.001066Effects Of Ethnicity On Allogenic Stem Cell Mobilization
Allogeneic stem cell transplant (ASCT) is a treatment method for var-
ious malignant and non-malignant hematologic disorders. The plu-
ripotent hematopoietic stem cells are usually obtained from the bone
marrow or peripheral blood of a donor. The results of allogeneic bone
marrow transplantation from the human leukocyte antigen (HLA)
compatible sibling are much better.
Mastocytosis is characterized by an abnormal mast cell infiltrates. It
can occur at any age. Severity of this disease ranges from fleetingly
benign to aggressively malignant contitions. Cutaneous mastocytosis
is most common in children. About 50% of affected children develop
typical skin lesions before the age of 6 months.
DOI: 10.55920/IJCIMR.2022.02.001064Importance of Maintaining and Improving Immune Function by Physical Activity During the COVID-19 Pandemic
In early December 2019, a novel coronavirus disease, designated as
COVID-19, came into light in Wuhan, Hubei Province of China. With
the first pneumonia cases of unknown origin being identified, it has be-
come a pandemic worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO)
has declared it as a potential threat to the world population, and a pub-
lic health emergency of international concern on January 30, 2020.
DOI: 10.55920/IJCIMR.2022.02.001061