
Volume 3

Issue 2

Elevated factor VIII Case report: A complicating factor for acute Coronary Syndrome

Atherothrombosis is the main cause of coronary syndrome, due to the presence of classic cardiovascular risk factors. In some patients, other factors can be responsible for arterial or venous thrombosis. The presence of other thrombophilic risk factors such as high homocysteine, Factor VIII (FVIII), lupus anticoagulant and genetic polymorphisms of hemostatic factors (Factor II and Factor V Leiden) should be suspected as responsible or adjuvant mechanism (1,2,3). FVIII is an essential cofactor in the coagulation cascade; FVIII overexpression can trigger thrombotic disorders and complicate acute coronary syndrome (ACS).
DOI: 10.55920/IJCIMR.2022.03.001120

Is my profession a risk for my lungs? - Unusual case of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis.

A 68-year-old male was referred to the pulmonary clinic with progressive shortness of breath (SOB) for the last six months. The SOB has worsened in the two months prior to his presentation. His SOB was exertional, especially when he climbed stairs. He had undergone an extensive workup for cardiac causes, but the results were negative for such causes. The patient never smoked and reported no industrial exposure, pets, or pigeons at home. No other exposure history to any organic or inorganic agents was reported based on a detailed structured questionnaire.
DOI: 10.55920/IJCIMR.2022.03.001119

Hemifacial Microsomia: Case series and overview

A 15 years old female was referred to department of Radio-diagnosis for cross-sectional Non-contrast CT scan of Face with 3D reconstruction by department of plastic surgery. Patient has complaints of facial asymmetry with skin tags in right pre-auricular region since birth (Figure 1 and 2). NCCT with 3D reconstruction reveals small sized right mandibular ramus, and both right condylar and coronoid process however condylar process articulating with glenoid fossa with reduced right temporomandibular joint as compared to left side (Figure).
DOI: 10.55920/IJCIMR.2022.03.001118

Nutrition during pregnancy in the Eritrean context

A woman’s nutritional status prior to and during pregnancy influences the baby’s and her own health. A woman's nutritional status should be assessed preconceptionally with the goal of optimizing maternal, fetal, and infant health. Pregnancy-related dietary changes should begin prior to conception, with appropriate modifications across preg- nancy and during lactation. During pregnancy, women should eat an extra meal per day (in their second and third trimester, no extra needed in the first one) as well as reduce physical workload during the final months of pregnancy in order to gain enough weight. The recommended intake is adding 0, 340, and 452 kcal/day to the estimated nonpregnant energy requirements in the first, second, and third trimesters, respectively
DOI: 10.55920/IJCIMR.2022.03.001117


Between January and June 2022, 2 patients, a 34- year-old-man and a 22 year-old- woman, presented, one month and 4 months respec- tively, following laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, a type II (1) gastric leak documented on CT scan. The 2 patients were directly addressed for endoscopic internal drainage of the leak. The orifice of the leak was identified under the gastroesophageal junction and catheterized, under endoscopic guidance by a guidewire, followed by the introduction of a 7Fr,7 cm plastic pancreatic endoprosthesis (Geenen pancreatic stent, Cook, Limerick) in the anomalous tract. (Figure 1) Patients were discharged directly after the procedure. Oral antibiotic was prescribed as well as early soft oral alimentation.
DOI: 10.55920/IJCIMR.2022.03.001116

Female Runner with An Elevated Troponin

45-year-old female runner with a past medical history of hypertension presented to the Emergency Department with sudden onset subster- nal chest pain and diaphoresis after one of her usual running sessions. EKG showed normal sinus rhythm with nonspecific T-wave changes. Initial troponin I was 1.16 ng/mL, she was admitted to the Coronary Care Unit and started on a heparin drip. Her troponin I peaked at 38 ng/mL. Coronary angiography was performed the following day which suggested Type II spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) involving the obtuse marginal artery.
DOI: 10.55920/IJCIMR.2022.03.001115

Asymptomatic Osteoid osteoma in the Mandible - A Case Report

Osteoid osteoma is defined as benign neoplasm1. It is the third most common benign bone tumor and account for 10-14% of all benign bone tumors after enchondroma and non-ossifying fibroma 2. They occur most often in the lower extremities of the appendicular skeleton (80%) 3. Their occurrence in the craniofacial skeleton is exceptionally rare 3,4. The lesions are often symptomatic, and patients seek medical help due to pain. Young adults under 30 years of age are usually affect- ed 2,3.
DOI: 10.55920/IJCIMR.2022.03.001114


An obligatory stage before starting a clinical trial is to conduct a study of the capabilities of clinical centers to implement the protocol - feasibility (Kibby M., 2011). The same author talks about the flexibility of the concept of feasibility from sponsor to sponsor. Poorly conducted feasibility study is a barrier to patient recruitment (Parke J, 2022) and undergones the study to risk to be failure. Risks which might be raised during the clinical trial is accepted by clini- cal trials stakeholders and graduated accordingly (Risk classification guide, 2022).
DOI: 10.55920/IJCIMR.2022.03.001113

Antibacterial activity of dew and Acacia gum on biofilm forming of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

Waterborne and foodborne diseases have emerged as the major public health concerns across the globe. Food-borne diseases are major health problems both in developed and developing countries (Abunna et al.2016). Utilization of foods and water contaminated with certain food and water pathogens such as fungi, bacteria, and viruses, is con- sidered as a major source of foodborne illness human. Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella spp., and Listeria monocytogenes, are the most frequently reported foodborne pathogens from different parts of the world (Hoiby et al.2010 and Hassett et al. 2010).
DOI: 10.55920/IJCIMR.2022.03.001112

Tuberculosis in Peritoneal Dialysis patients: A Diagnostic challenge.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a contagious infectious illness caused by a tuberculosis complex mycobacterium, primarily Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Koch's bacillus (KB) [1]. It is still a huge public health issue across the world, particularly in underdeveloped nations [2]. It is commonly seen in people with CKD. Peritoneal localization, which is generally uncommon, has become a significant type in peritoneal dialysis patients [3]. Positive diagnosis is challenging in this popula- tion due to the non-specific clinical presentation [4].
DOI: 10.55920/IJCIMR.2022.03.001111