
Plagiarism is the act of taking someone else's words and ideas and passing them off as one's own. There are also occasions where an individual or an organisation uses another's work without giving credit to the creator. Plagiarism or literary theft are alternative terms used to describe this behaviour. All of the manuscripts that RT finalises for publication in their international journals go through a rigorous plagiarism check.

Plagiarism is defined as the copying of someone else's work without their permission. The following are some of the most common examples of plagiarism to help you understand it better:

  • Claiming someone else's work as your own by copying it verbatim or with slight alterations.
  • Using someone else's thoughts or words without giving them credit.
  • Plagiarism also occurs when a quotation is not enclosed in quotation marks.
  • Plagiarism can also be defined as providing inaccurate information about a quotation's source.
  • Plagiarism also includes changing the wording but copying the structure of a text from any source without giving credit.
  • Plagiarism also includes copying many words and/or ideas from a single source and making up the majority of your work while giving credit to the original source.

Along with analysing the quality of the articles and theses, International Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Reviews pays close attention to plagiarism. We reject papers immediately if any content is found to be plagiarised. On the day of submission, all submissions, abstracts, and chapters are checked for plagiarism.

DOI Number

Every manuscript published in International Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Reviews will be given a DOI number. On the title page of each article, a DOI number will be available as a unique identification. DOIs are important for locating and citing publications that have been published online but do not have a volume or issue number (for more information, see